Shakty Tantra for Men

Shakty Tantra for Men
In todays world time goes so fast we often forget to take care of what we truly need and where we really want to be. But fortunately, our body is the perfect the indicator when something is missing.
Shakty Tantra has created 3 sessions that will help you connect in a more intimate way and different levels: physical, mental, emotional, sensual, sexual and spiritual. You will learn and master techniques that will activate your energy and facilitate interaction with yourself and ultimately with your partner.
Welcome to our sacred place, we will awake and celebrate your essence!
“Knowing others is intelligence;
Knowing yourself is true wisdom.
Mastering others is strength;
Mastering yourself is true power”
– Lao Tzu
Session 1
1 hour $100 / 1.5 hours $150
Leave your worries behind and allow yourself to be guided by one of our Goddesses. Allow yourself to feel and discover what resides within you.
During this session, we will gently awake and balance your sexual energy (Kundalini) with a light and sensual body-energy work. Different healing techniques (shamanic healing, Reiki, ayurvedic medicine, tantric breathwork, aromatherapy, musical therapy) will be applied to restore your physical and energy field, leaving you feeling renewed from the inside out.
This beautiful Tantric, loving and caring healing will help awaken your sexuality and at the same time promote relaxation, self-love, confidence mental and emotional peace.
Session 2
2 hours ($300)
This Shakty Tantra session will introduce you to a set of skills that will guide you to learn how to feel, move and touch your partner. You will be fully aware and with the intention to share, stimulate and awake the sensual and sexual energy (Kundalini) in a new way.
This is beneficial for people experiencing high levels of stress, anxiety, fear or premature ejaculation. Learn how to touch your partner, and at the same time to maintain the feeling of your senses and balance them. It also helps to exercise self-discipline and self-control during unanticipated arousal. We will be there to help guide you through the session every step of the way, to help you unwind and relax into the art of Shakty Tantric touch. Besides helping you feel close and connected to your partner, it turns out that this touch brings a host of health benefits to your body and mind.
Appreciation of your Divine Goddess!
Session 3
1.5 Hours ($300)
Now you have learned to honor and respect Shakty Tantra Sexuality, as well as yourself and partner. We invite you to a session of light mutual interaction with your Goddess; giving and receiving, yin yang, Shiva and Shakti!
Feel, smell, touch, connect…. be aware! Feelings and emotions will be awakened, identify your desires and boundaries. Balance them, heal yourself with a Shakty Tantric touch! This session is performed on a comfortable cushion platform.